Council reduces street clutter

A-board sticker
A warning sticker applied to an A-board that wasn't complying with the new Code of Practice
Published: Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Havering Council officers have begun enforcing a new Code of Practice governing the use of street advertising signs known as A-boards.

The Code of Practice is designed to help reduce street clutter and make it easier for all people especially those with disabilities, pushing prams or buggies, or using mobility vehicles on the borough’s footways.

The Council is in the process of leafleting all businesses across the borough to explain the new Code of Practice and began that process last week in South Street Romford. A few days after delivering the leaflets officers inspect the signs that are still on the public highway and put warning stickers on those A-boards found to be in breach of the Code.

Last Thursday (9 February) officers followed up on those warnings by removing stickered A-boards.  A-boards taken into storage are kept for a maximum period of 14 days. If not claimed within that period they will be sent for disposal.  Fees for non-compliance with the new Code of Practice range from £110 for the removal of a sign to a total of £200 if removed and not collected within 14 days. 

Other areas in Romford will by visited by officers in the coming days and over the following weeks every parade of shops in all locations across Havering will be inspected.

Councillor Osman Dervish, Havering Council’s Cabinet Member for the Environment said:

“If businesses comply with the new Code of Practice they will be able to advertise while ensuring our borough’s footways will be clearer for pedestrians and there will be no charges. However if some businesses choose to put out unauthorised signs on the public highway or fail to comply with a Code of Practice that has been drawn up after extensive consultations then they should be prepared for us to remove the signs and charge them for doing so.”

For more information on the Code of Practice go to