A licence is required from us if a person wishes to operate a 'sex cinema' or a 'sex shop'.
Additionally, within the London area, provisions exist for the licensing of 'sex encounter' establishments. Specific definitions of these terms are available on request.
A licence is required from the Council if a person wishes to operate a 'sex cinema' or a 'sex shop'. Additionally, within the London area, provisions exist for the licensing of 'sex encounter' establishments. Specific definitions of these terms are available on request.
There are specific provisions as to whom a licence cannot be granted, which include a person under 18, a person who has had a licence previously held but revoked or refused and a body corporate which is not incorporated in the United Kingdom.
Because of the nature of this control, there are specific procedures by which such an application must be dealt with, particularly in the light of any objections that may be received. The Council can also limit the number of establishments permitted in any area.
Apply for a sex establishment licence
Apply through GOV.UK.
Licensing of sex establishments
If granted, the Council can prescribe conditions including regulating opening hours, displays or advertisements on or in sex establishments and the visibility of the interior of the establishments to passers by.
Any sex cinema or sex shop requires a licence to operate. This licence renewed annually at a cost of £2,060.40. Any change applications have a fee of £1,030.20. To obtain more information on the meaning of sex establishment contact the Licensing Section at the address shown.
A licence cannot be granted to:
- (a) A person under 18
- (b) A person who has held a Licence but it has been revoked
- (c) A person, other than a body corporate, who is not resident in the United Kingdom or was not so resident before the application
- (d) A body corporate which is not incorporated in the United Kingdom
- (e) A person who had within 12 months preceding the date of the application has been refused a Licence
Fees and charges
Application for a licence must be made to the Council's Licensing Team and there is an annual application fee of £10,150
To make an amendment to the licence will cost £2,092.
Licence conditions
Each licence issued by the Council is subject to standard licence conditions. Amongst other matters these condition relate to matters such as:
- (a) Opening hours
- (b) Displays or advertisements on or in sex establishments
- (c) The visibility of the interior of the establishments to passers by
- (d) Any change of a sex cinema to a sex shop or vice versa
In addition to the standard conditions special conditions may also apply to an individual licence.
Further information
Copies of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 1982 can be purchased from the Legislation website.
An application form and further help or advice can be obtained from the Licensing Team.