Havering will continue to develop the borough’s cultural legacy despite missing out on the London Borough of Culture 2025 and 2027 titles.

Submitted under the name ‘Havering London’, Havering’s bid was a collaboration made up of Havering Changing, FUSE (Local Cultural Education Partnership), Communicating Havering, Creative Health Havering and Havering Council.

The final stage of the borough’s application came on Monday 11 March 2024 when The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, announced the successful bids.

The Havering bid engaged residents, business, community and voluntary organisations to develop an overall collective vision on the future of our borough.

Havering London will continue to work with external funders to further a cultural programme that will build on the London Borough of Culture application to help realise the cultural ambitions of the borough.

Councillor Ray Morgon, Leader of Havering Council, said:

“Our London Borough of Culture bid has inspired a sense of hope and optimism about culture in Havering.

“Our bid was created by a consortium of over 50 partners and co-created with 1000s of local residents who have worked tirelessly and who have each played their part in submitting a very strong application. 

“This process will open the door to even greater and better opportunities for residents to access and get involved in arts and culture in our borough.

"We are on a mission to improve social connectivity and promote greater physical and mental wellbeing for our residents.

“We want to keep the momentum gained to further develop culture in Havering and we hope everyone joins us on the exciting journey ahead.”

Find out more on the Havering London website.

Published: 11 March 2024