Havering Council working with partners, has successfully secured £1.6m through the Greater London Authority Good Growth Fund (GGF).

The funding will be used for public realm improvements in the London Riverside Business Improvement District and the creation of an innovation hub in Rainham.

The hub will develop and support the local economy by working collaboratively across education, business and the public sector to boost productivity, support investment and strengthen employment opportunities in Rainham.

One of the project partners is Havering College which will use the funding to invest in new technologies and will be included in the teaching of students to address skills gaps in the construction sector.

The hub will also provide construction and logistics firms access to digital technologies and will work with them to develop the skills to exploit these opportunities.

It will incorporate all the latest digital technologies which will offer businesses the opportunity to explore how their products could be developed.

The public realm improvements will provide a better experience for people working in the BID area and promote new perspectives on how industrial spaces are developed and used.

The ideas generated will encourage people to rethink the role of industrial workspaces and environments as not just places to work, but how thoughtful design can improve productivity, boost skills and attract investment to the area.

The GGF complements the wider regeneration of the Rainham area which incorporates over 3,000 new homes, a new station at Beam Park and the transformation of New Road (A1306) corridor into an attractive high quality green street.

Councillor Damian White, Leader of the Council, said:

“We remain committed to delivering regeneration that creates great places as well as significant opportunities for local businesses and residents.

“This funding will help attract investment to create more jobs and career opportunities to ensure the benefits of regeneration help to improve the lives of residents in all areas of the borough.”

Published: 7 January 2019