Retailery new sign
80-84 Market Place, Romford (formally known as The Retailery)

Romford’s Retailery remains open to the public after the Council stepped in to manage the space while a new operator is found.

Talks are ongoing between the Council and potential new operators after previous lease holders Things Made Public handed over management of the Retailery space back to the Council. 

As part of this handover, it was agreed that Things Made Public would retain the rights to use the name Retailery in future.

This means for the time being the space has been renamed ‘80-84 Market Place’.

Despite the name change, it will continue operating in the same way and the Council will work with and support the local businesses housed in there to enable them to stay open as usual.

Councillor Damian White, Leader of the Council, said: 

“The Council is a huge champion of independent and diverse local business and leisure spaces like 80-84 Market Place, but it wasn’t right for us to continue supporting the previous operators at cost to the taxpayer. 

“I understand that the space, formally known as The Retailery, is a great asset to Romford town centre. With a new operator in place, it will continue to be a hub for small business start-ups and community groups where they get the support they need to grow and prosper. 

“I am pleased that this place has become such an important part in so many residents’ lives. The spirit of this building will remain the same – changing the name will not alter that.

“We now look forward to finding a new operator who will continue to provide a home for the existing businesses and encourage new independent businesses to grow."

Published: 31 January 2019