A wider range of housing grants are now available from Havering Council to help older and disabled residents to adapt their homes.

These grants will provide financial assistance to help people adapt their home or make essential repairs with the aim of helping them to maintain their independence for longer. 

The grants are aimed at meeting the individual needs of older and disabled adults and the families of disabled children.

Councillor Jason Frost, Havering’s Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Care Services, said: 

“These housing grants will help both older people and people with disabilities make changes to improve their quality of life by making improvements to reduce their risk of injuries and ill health and helping them to remain independent for as long as possible.”

The grants can be used for a range of support, such as:

  • stair lifts, level access showers, and ramps into or around the home
  • larger grants to help people extend their home to promote their independence
  • essential home repairs to make homes safe and warm to promote health and wellbeing
  • small adaptations to enable people to be discharged from hospital
  • help people with dementia manage their surroundings and keep safe
  • financial assistance to help move to a more suitable home if it can’t be adapted
  • help people at risk of domestic abuse to improve their home security.

The grants are open to children and adults. For more information contact: www.havering.gov.uk/housinggrant

Published: 11 September 2019