Vote for your favourite book with Havering Reads

Residents are being invited to vote for their favourite adult fiction book as part of the Havering Reads initiative to get more adults reading.

Up until 16 February 2020, people can vote for any adult fiction book that was published between 2018 and 2020. 

Voting slips will be available in libraries, and votes can also be sent in by email to

All libraries will have a box for people to cast their votes.

The top five nominations will be put to vote in libraries and on the Havering Library social media accounts over a two-week period in February, before the winning book is celebrated with events in libraries throughout May.

Councillor Viddy Persaud, Cabinet Member for Culture and Leisure, said:

"Last year we had over 1.2 million visits to our libraries with customers reading a wide range of books and e-books. This is a great opportunity to see which book people consider the Havering Reads book of the year.

"We want to encourage people to read for pleasure, and getting involved in our library service across the borough is an excellent way to do that."

Published: 23 January 2020