App logo for RM1 Club

Havering Council spoke to Julie Frost, Chair of the Romford BID, about their new RM1 Club app, which launches tomorrow (Saturday 8 May 2021).

The RM1 Club app is designed to encourage you to take advantage of offers from retailers in Romford town centre and to be rewarded for supporting shops in Romford as they recover from the pandemic.

Julie Frost, Chair of the Romford BID, answered a few questions from us on the reason for the app, and why Havering residents should take advantage. 

Why has the Romford BID created the RM1 App? 

"In an endeavour to restore Romford town centre’s footfall and safely encourage shoppers back, the business community must work together now more than ever to make Romford a trailblazing UK town, ease customer concerns with strict safety protocols and entice patrons back during anxious times. 

"We have created the RM1 Club app to encourage users to take advantage of everyday deals, exclusive offers and be rewarded for their loyalty which we hope will drive an increased footfall from the local community and newcomers, boost the local offer and help improve customer service."

How has the pandemic affected businesses in Romford?

"There is no doubt that the pandemic has been extremely tough for some of the small and independent retailers, but also arguably for some of our larger high street brands – the news regarding the Arcadia Group and Debenhams is testament to this.

"That said, the period of tighter restrictions led to many smaller businesses beginning to expand their presence into online retailing for the first time.

"This has helped many to develop a more resilient business model.

The continuation of the various business support grants has also been crucial to helping businesses, especially our smaller operators, to struggle through this period working together."

What would you like to say to shoppers who might be nervous about returning to the high street? 

"Please be rest assured that Romford businesses are working hard to ensure that all the necessary precautions are in place to keep their staff and customers safe and secure as we enter this time of the ‘new normal.’

"The BID and Havering Council have been on hand throughout to provide support and guidance to businesses in matters of compliance. 

"Romford is very much ready and waiting to welcome you back!"

What’s next for the app?

"We launch the app on Saturday 8 May and we will at our sponsored market stalls outside Debenhams between 10am and 12noon to encourage shoppers to download the app and start benefiting from the offers.

"We are very keen to gain feedback from app-users, whether businesses or customers, so that we can continue to refine and develop the app further, add additional functionality and improve the user experience."

In no more than 10 words, tell Havering residents why they should download RM1 Club? 

"Make Romford a fantastic place to live, work and play!"

Published: 7 May 2021