Havering and Kafoodle offer allergen-free school lunch options
Havering Council and Kafoodle team up to support students with food allergies
Enforcement on criminal landlords sees over £400,000 in penalty notices
Enforcement by Havering Council has seen £462,000 issued in penalty notices to criminal landlords over the last year.
Housing grants to help vulnerable Havering residents at home
A wider range of housing grants are now available from Havering Council to help older and disabled residents to adapt their homes.
Havering creates unique partnership with London Marathon Events
Havering Council is working with London Marathon Events Ltd, organisers of the world’s greatest marathon, to encourage more schools across Havering to take part in The Daily Mile – a global initiative to get pupils jogging or running for 15 minutes every day, at their own pace.
Avelon Road Centre bowls a strike with skittle art
Adults with learning disabilities at the Avelon Road Centre have been recycling bowling skittles into works of art as part of the centre’s arts and crafts activities.
Demolition begins to make way for new modern retirement village
Demolition has begun on the former Solar, Serena and Sunrise Courts site, in South Hornchurch, which is set to become a modern retirement village.
Parent talks to help keep their children safe
Havering residents are being invited to a series of talks to help them spot the signs of child criminal exploitation and gain information about what to do if they suspect a child could be at risk.
New multi-million pound school expansion unveiled for Havering
An exciting £33 million plan to deliver more early years and school places to meet Havering’s growing population was approved at the Council’s cabinet meeting last night.
Sunday lunch is on Veggie Run this year
Veggie Run, Havering Council’s award-winning healthy living campaign, is offering even more rewards to pupils who eat a healthy catered lunch in school thanks to two leading food suppliers.
Recycling the way we think about plastic
Do you think about how you use plastic? Changing the way we think to help us all enjoy a greener and cleaner borough, is what Havering Council is focusing on at events to mark Recycle Week 23-29 September.