Drains, flooded roads, rivers, streams and road spillages

Drains and roads

You will need to contact us or the companies that maintain the water and sewage network.

Public highway 

We are responsible for drains on public roads.

These drains collect the water running off the road and pavement areas to stop them becoming flooded.

If you have noticed a blocked drain, a road that is flooded because the drain is blocked or broken drain cover, please report it online.

Report flooded roads and blocked drains

Public sewers

The water company own and manage the network of public foul and surface water sewers.

To report an overflowing public sewer, you should contact the Thames Water freephone leak line on 0800 714 614.

Cranham and Upminster residents

Please note that if you live in Cranham or Upminster, Anglian Water have responsibility for public sewers.

If you have an issue, they can be contacted by calling 03457 145 145 or through the Anglian Water website

Private sewers or drains

If your private drains or sewers are overflowing, you will need a drainage contractor to deal with any blockage (see the Yellow Pages or similar local directories).

If you are uncertain if any blockage is in the public or private sewers, contact Thames Water who should be able to determine this once they visit on site.

They will recharge you the cost of any work on the private sewers.

You can also contact us about any issue with a drain you see on private land with this form.

Report a problem with private drains

Keeping drains clear

Burst fresh water main

Please contact Essex and Suffolk Water (0800 526 337) who are responsible for the supply up to and including the water stopcock.

Flooded rivers and streams

Rivers and streams are mainly the responsibility of the Environment Agency so if you see a blocked river or stream causing a flood or waters rising as a result of heavy rain and you are concerned a river bank will break, please contact them.

The agency provide a flood line, which is a 24 hour advice and information service for floods and flood warning on 0345 988 1188.

Road spillages

If you see a spillage on the road, including liquids, oil, gravel, sand and dropped goods, please report this to us.

Contact us about a road spill

If you see a spillage from one of our orange recycling or black rubbish sacks please also report this to us.

Report waste from a split orange or black sack