Other types of work

Table shows fees for other types of work not covered in previous tables.

Estimated cost of work Total
£0 - £2,000 £318
£2,000 - £5,000 £477
£5,000 - £10,000 £627
£10,000 - £20,000 £819
£20,000 - £30,000 £996
£30,000 - £40,000 £1,143
£40,000 - £50,000 £1,288
£50,000 - £60,000 £1,396
£60,000 - £70,000 £1,504
£70,000 - £80,000 £1,612
£80,000 - £90,000 £1,734
£90,000 - £100,000 £1,853
£100,000 - £120,000 £1,981
£120,000 to £140,000 £2,141
£140,000 to £170,000 £2,269
£170,000 to £200,000 £2,530
Over £200,000 Please contact us for individually assessed charges: buildingcontrol@havering.gov.uk

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