New Funding - Trust for London

Published: Friday, 8 January 2021

Trust for London is an independent charitable foundation funding work which tackles poverty and inequality in the capital. 

Trust for London supports work providing greater insights into the root causes of London’s social problems and how they can be overcome, activities which help people improve their lives, and work empowering Londoners to influence and change policy, practice and public attitudes.

They are particularly interested in new and imaginative ways of addressing the root causes of London’s social problems, especially work which has the potential to influence and change policy, practice and public attitudes.

They have seven funding programmes for 2018-2022 and can fund up to £150k for each project.

Read the full guidelines

View the guidelines presentation

We will be holding one to one sessions directly with the Grants Manager for havering with Trust for London.

These are 30 minute sessions which will be held on Thursday 21 January 2021 and Friday 22 January 2021 between 10am and 1.30pm. 

If you would like to book a session, please contact Mayuri on 01708 431441. 

Please make sure you have details of a brief outline of your project before booking an appointment.